Family Resources

Parent Resources Page
LNS Curriculum Page
LNS School Calendar 2024-25
LNS Events Calendar
Skyward Family Access
Senior Class Resources
Teacher Staff Contacts
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Transportation - BUS ROUTES
LNS Newsletter Sign Up
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LNS Facebook Page
Lummi Communications Facebook Page​
LNS Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying/Cyber Bullying Policy


Health & Dental
Health Forms
- Caronavirus Fact Sheet (CDC)
- Whatcom County Physical Form
LNS Nurse Contact Info:
Lummi Nation School Nurse
Office: 360-758-4369

Lummi Dental is here for you! If you have any dental concerns or need any oral hygiene supplies! Please call the dental clinic to schedule a virtual appointment where we can deliver oral hygiene supplies to you!

To prevent the spread of disease, all students must be in compliance with scheduled immunizations or have a valid Physician signed exemption.
The law has changed starting in Fall of 2020; all students must provide immunization documentation from a physician. Students will NOT be allowed to attend school AT ALL, even distance learning, until immunizations are current or an exemption is provided to the school nurses. This must be done every year.
For more information please see the new law:
Medications at School:
When possible, please give required medication at home. If it is not possible, the school nurse or trained staff member will administer the medication.
Medication at school must be accompanied by a legal guardian consent and physician’s order at the beginning of each year. No medications will be given without signed documentation by the physician and the guardian. It is the responsibility of the guardian to provide the medications and orders to the school. The medication forms are available on our website under the health tab and available in person or by fax.
Students with known life-threatening illnesses will not be allowed to attend school until medications and orders are provided to the school. Please speak with the nurses regarding and we will be glad to assist with getting orders in place to minimize contact.
Nursing Contact information:
April Hillaire (360) 758-4369
Medicine must be brought to the school by a parent or guardian.
Pandemic (COVID-19) Precautions:
Please do not send your student to school if you suspect they are ill or have been around anyone that is ill. We will be working hard to keep ALL of our students and staff safe and healthy.
Students will not be allowed to attend school with a fever, cough, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, body aches or other symptoms associated with illness. If students are in quarantine/isolation determined by a doctor; a doctor note will be required for re-entry to school.
Guardians will be asked to pick up their student if these symptoms develop while the student is at school. Timely pick-up will be required to help ensure other students are kept safe. School transportation will not be available for sick children.